Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is This All There Is???

The answer to the preceding question would be a definitive "No!"

We are the only beings that can change our story. If something is not working for us we can change our script. A dog is going to be a dog, a squirrel is going to be a squirrel and a cow is going to be a cow- but being a cell phone salesman one day and an opera singer the next is not out of the question, or to go from single struggling mom to multimillionaire scrap metal mogul or former Vice President of the United States to Nobel Prize Winner, these examples are not only within the realm of possibility, they actually happened!

I have a friend who started out as a Harvard Law School graduate and is now a television actor and investor. I have another friend who studied theology, started a church and is now a marketing guru! I started out to be an animal behavior specialist and I wound up doing Shakespeare on Broadway! Now I travel the globe Speaking, turning wishers, whiners and wimps into willing winning warriors!

We can change our script and that change may take us to places we never imagined and that is very cool!

A dog is going to be a dog, a squirrel is going to be a squirrel and a cow is going to be a cow and for them that IS all there is, but if you are living a story that's not working for you... YOU CAN change the script. You never know, that change may put you on the opposite side of the world doing something amazing... or at least on the opposite side of the street.