Saturday, August 2, 2008

Get in the Game!!!

It's pretty cool to be part of something that's going to be a world wide phenomenon! I've always understood that vision coupled with faith is a critical component to any worthwhile undertaking and when I've applied it in my own life I've always ended in a much better position than when I started. For the first time in my life I am on a journey where I get to work with great people all over the world who are committed to living out loud, living a larger vision and leaving a lasting legacy of integrity, impact and increase. My charge is to be the change I seek, helping people get out of their way and into a way of belief, strength, courage and action! Dreams are critical. Goals are a necessity. Risk is essential.
There are those who spend their lives surrounded by thoughts, people and projects that keep them safe and forever fixed in who they think they are supposed to be and then there are those that take the path of greater resistance, higher learning and increased outcomes by continuously stretching beyond what they think they know and who they think they are. You see you can live your life in the bleachers, on the sidelines or on the field. I know watching the spectacles of life can be entertaining, but it's not quite the same as creating your own spectacle. I know being on the sidelines feels like your right there, up close with the action, but wouldn't you rather BE the action?
The field is where it's at! That's where you will always feel most alive and fully engaged in this thing called life! There's no two ways about it. Playing to win, learning from defeat and helping others to do the same! There's no safe position in life there's just life and how we choose to play it. Play to win!... on the field that is.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Enemy-Inner Me!

Every now and then I have to catch myself. There are moments when I engage in self limiting thinking. There are moments when I focus on the fear and not the fruit. There are moments when I'm about to start talking down to myself and then I put a stop to it. I live a lifestyle that allows for very little negative self talk, small thinking or fear focused consciousness, but I still have my moments. I'm sharing this to say that it's okay to have those moments, just don't let them define you, or the actions you take! We should all be constantly evolving, improving and expanding and because we were built for increase we must also understand that it is only natural for opposing forces like fear, lack and limitation to try and take hold and pull us down. Don't take it personally. Don't identify with it. Don't give it power. Acknowledge it. Say "hello" and keep it moving because you have Bigger, Better and More Important things to be, say, think, do and accomplish!

Let your inner-me defeat your enemy in victory!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm in this phase of working 18 to 20 hour days and it is a blast! I get to speak all over the place, I'm meeting new and interesting people every day and most important I get to help people! The journey is energizing and I'm happy to be on it. I miss my kids. I don't get to see them everyday and that gets hard at times. I'm very blessed to have an incredible partner in parenting who maintains a stable presence and loving home for them. I am still grapling with the question of balance. Can it be synonymous with ambition and a determination to make the world a better place?

And so the journey of love, work and service- building, bettering and branding continues...

Friday, February 1, 2008


My father would say to me "Boy, don't do it half ass. Do it, and do it right!"

I would always laugh inside when he said that because those words just sounded funny to me; "Half ...Ass"? You try coming up with an image for that and see if you don't crack a smile. However, anytime I began a task, his words would ring in my head, my hands and my heart. No matter what it was, whether I liked what I was doing or not, I had to do it to the best of my ability. I didn't want to ever live up to such a low distinction, and image as "half ass."

My father's words gave me a foundation to create standards for myself and recognize standards, or the lack there of, in others. I began to easily recognize people who were lazy and uninterested because I used to be both. I began to truly appreciate a good day of work, and how productive I felt at the end of it. Most importanty I came to truly see how my high standards and good work could impact others. I was able to brighten someone's day with a lawn well mowed, or helping someone with their groceries or even reciting a poem I had learned in school. It seemed that whenever I did my best others would benefit too!

I'm sure my father didn't fully appreciate how profound and prophetic he was being at the time- but just a few days ago I was teaching my son how to do some work around the house and I found myself explaining to him what "half ass" was and why it would never apply to him.

Thanks Dad.