Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Enemy-Inner Me!

Every now and then I have to catch myself. There are moments when I engage in self limiting thinking. There are moments when I focus on the fear and not the fruit. There are moments when I'm about to start talking down to myself and then I put a stop to it. I live a lifestyle that allows for very little negative self talk, small thinking or fear focused consciousness, but I still have my moments. I'm sharing this to say that it's okay to have those moments, just don't let them define you, or the actions you take! We should all be constantly evolving, improving and expanding and because we were built for increase we must also understand that it is only natural for opposing forces like fear, lack and limitation to try and take hold and pull us down. Don't take it personally. Don't identify with it. Don't give it power. Acknowledge it. Say "hello" and keep it moving because you have Bigger, Better and More Important things to be, say, think, do and accomplish!

Let your inner-me defeat your enemy in victory!!!

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